The A Word: Behind the Mask

Life in St Agnes is great.  The weather has been amazing, and our work has started to pick up, too, which is really good news.  Our Hampshire house is nearing exchange, and we’re just waiting for the searches to come back, which have taken longer than normal due to the backlog from the lockdown.  WeContinue reading “The A Word: Behind the Mask”

The A Word: Up Shit Creek

So, what happened?  The official term is “up shit creek without a paddle”, a Scottish slang term meaning to be stuck in a bad situation without any way of fixing it. The bad situation is ‘shit creek‘, and the ‘paddle’ is the solution.  Our shit creek incident happened last Saturday during our walk along aContinue reading “The A Word: Up Shit Creek”

The A Word: Life’s a Beach

Our first week living by the sea in St Agnes has been lovely.  We’ve worked efficiently, and the walking has been superb.  For the last 20 years, our visits to this beautiful village on the North Coast have been in Spring, Autumn and Winter, but being here in the Summer has been wonderful.  The seaContinue reading “The A Word: Life’s a Beach”